7-01_What Happens When You Pray?_Rev. James Martin |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-02_Casting the Net Far and Wide Implementing the New Pastoral Response for Asian-Pacific Islander Communities_Bishop Alex Aclan |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-03_A Culture of Grace_Steve Angrisano |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-04_What's Hot and What's Not in the Global Church A 360-Degree Review of the Catholic Landscape_John Allen Jr. |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-05_Dancing Our Way to Holiness The Soul's Slow Ripening_Laura Ash |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-06_The Three S's of Holiness Surrender Sacrifice Single-heartedness_Sr. Kathleen Bryant |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-07_Seeking Healing Through Forgiveness_Rev. John Burns |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-09_What Would Jesus Post?_Sherry Hayes-Peirce |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-10_Making Happiness a Habit Four Steps to a More Joyful Marriage_Dr. Jim Healy |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-11_"What Now God?" Listening for God's Call and Finding Our Path_Douglas Leal |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-12_Called to Participate How We Learn the True Christian Spirit_Diana Macalintal |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-13_Engaging and Accompanying Young People The Challenge and the Blessing!_Robert McCarty |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-14_Be Merciful as Our God Is Mercy Incarnate_Megan McKenna |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-15_Christian Activism as a Practice of Holiness_Dr. Hosffman Ospino |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-16_The Time Is Now! Early Investment in Faith Formation Lasts a Lifetime_Pamela Perrino |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-17_River of Fire: An Account of the Spiritual Awakening That Led to Death Row_Sr. Helen Prejean |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-18_Knock Knock! Who's There? (It's Me Jesus!)_Fr. R. Tony Ricard |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-19_The Scrutinies are Coming ... the Scrutinies are Coming!_Michael Ruzicki |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-20_The Problem of Justice in the "Twelve Prophets": Critical Views of Ourselves?_Prof. Daniel Smith-Christopher |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-21_Beloved Marriage Formation in a Post-Marriage Culture_Dr. Edward Sri |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-23_Finding Christ on the Road_Trevor Thomson |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-51_Como superar el desanimo en la vida familiar_Dr. John Yzaguirre |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-52_Con proposito catequetico y evangelizador hacia las personas con disCapacidades_Ana Barraza |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-53_La imagen del amor_Canonigo Dr. Eduardo Chavez Sanchez |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-54_Madurez afectiva y descendimiento Claves para la formacion de ministros hoy_Rev. Allan Figueroa Deck |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-55_El camino a la santidad Una invitacion a todas las generaciones_Ivan Diaz |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-56_Estresado y abrumado "Ten piedad de mi Senor!"_Sr. Karla Felix-Rivera |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-57_"Alegrate Maria" Maria como icono de la santidad y la misericordia_Prof. Felix Palazzi |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-58_Siendo Iglesia de Encuentro con catolicos LGBTQ Los 5 pasos del modelo de encuentro de Jesus_Fr. Michael Gutierrez |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-59_Violencia contra la mujer y la cruz de Cristo Un camino de santidad?_Dr. Olga Velez Caro |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |
7-70_Vietnamese Workshop (The Church and Sexual Morality - How to Care for the LGBTQ Community)_Rev. Hy Nguyen |
MP3- $11.00 |
CD - $13.00 |